Operation Empty Weight:60,800kg
Basic Takeoff Weight:120,100kg
Max Takeoff Weight:141,100kg
Cruise Speed:0.8Mach
Service Ceiling:12,200m
Ferry Range:10,000km
Kawasaki C-2 is next generation tactical transport aircraft for Japan Air Self-Defence Force.
Development program started 2001 as a replacement for JASDF's C-1 and C-130H, first flight at Gifu Air Base on January 26 2010.
C-2 shared development's resource and airframe parts with JMSDF's next maritime patrol aircraft P-1.
This share means decrease development costs, unit costs and operation costs.
C-2 installed two lerge turbofan engine, it is unusual design as tactical transporter.
A lot of tactical transporter installed turboprop engine, but turbofan tactical transporter in serviced is only C-1 or An-72.
Reason why C-1 chose turbofan is for high speed, reason of C-2 is by airframe's scale up too.
New generation tactical transporter's weight grow up nearly strategic transporter as like C-141, cargo capacity grow up too.
Existing turboprop is under power for grow up airframe, but turbofan thrust was rapid growth in comercial market.
Max takeoff weight of C-2 is almost the same as C-141's, but takeoff thrust is grow up fifty percent.
And C-2's thrust weight ratio is 0.39 at max takeoff weight, its highest as military transporter as well as YC-14.
C-2 can provide high speed and short takeoff landing performance by this high thrust weight ratio.
Engine Specification
Fan Diameter:2.36m
Bypass Ratio:5~5.31
CF6-80C2K1F is high bypass ratio turbofan engine which developed General Electric, this is one of CF6 serieas which succeeded in commercial market.
CF6 was remodeled for comercial market from TF39, which installed in U.S.Air Force's strategic transporter C-5 Galaxy.
CF6-80C2 is fifth version model, which serviced in 1985 and selected C-5 modernized program.
APU selected Honeywell's 131-9, mounted right gear bulge.
Gear bulge is formed lerge and gradual curved surface, decrease drag at cruise flight.
Main gear is six wheel bogie, as like Boeing 777.
Fillet is formed curved surface as like gear bulge, these design is to aim at cruise flight as airliner speed.
All most airliner flight over mach 0.8 in 35,000ft or more, but existing military transporter cannot cruise flight over mach 0.8.
C-2 is first military transporter which can cruise airliner speed, and C-2 can use commercial airliner routes.
Main wing is orthodox stile, installed full span slat and two kind of trailing edge flap.
Wing area about 242sq m is wider than A400M, and wing loading is lighter too.
Wing components shared outer one of four with P-1, edge's ESM sensor and light shared too.
Missile warning sensor mounted nose as like P-1, and C-2 is mounted radar warning receiver to change of ESM.
Cockpit windows which shared with P-1 are large for wide front view, and opened window at side of pilot's feet.
C-2 was added aerial refueling ability, receptacle mounted upper of nose second prototype.
Tail fin style is as like C-141, horizontal stabilizer have few angle.
Missile warning sensor and radar warning receiver mounted tail as like nose.
Horizon stabilizer components shared with P-1.
Flight control system used Fly by Wire, it's different from P-1 which used Fly by Light.
Almost cockpit panel are shared P-1, difference factor is panel position and display's content.
Large size Head Up Display mounted front, and second prototype was added NVG ability.
C-2 is two man crew system for easy poeration.
Cockpit installed tactical toransport management system, which can suport for flight at low altitude.
This system can make evasion route from anti air fire, or optimized route to high accuracy too.
In the other side, C-2 is assumed fly to variety field, so navigation seat is mounted after copilot.
Loadmaster Station is after cockpit of cargo floor, which can cargo management and operation.
Cargo box length is 16m, width and height of under wing box is 4m, rear ramp length is 5.5m.
This capacity can load almost land vehicle and chopper of JSDF, CH-47, EC-225LP, tank transporter or Type 03 SAM launcher.
Maximum laod weights is 37.6 metric tons, almost land vehvle can load excluding few heavy armor vehicle as like MBT.
Range at max payload is 5,600km, C-2 can flight to Alaska or Singapore from Iruma AB.
Fold type seat is mounted side of cargo floor, and airborne seat can add center.
Rear of body have door for airborne, air deflector is mounted outer body.
Cargo ramp is as C-17 or A400M, which is loading slope and cargo door and cargo loading floor.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries started commercial diversion plan of C-2, and they exhibited this plan in Farnborough International Airshow 2006.
In International Paris Air Show 2007, KHI exhibited new illustration of commercial type C-2 which written YCX upper wing.
YCX plan called High-speed commercial airlifter for oversize cargo, this aircraft is minimum modified from C-2.
C-2 is millitary transporter, but turn around time is short by engine math, which used already commercial market widely.
And C-2's cruise speed is higher as like airliner, these factor is suitable for commercial market.
In other side, load capacity for oversize cargo without special loader machine, this ability is not in existing airlifter as 747F or 777F.
YCX will be omitted missile warning sensor and radar warning receiver, expected aerial refueling system and air deflector too.
Cargo floor expected to omitted side seat and change ladder position for cockpit for use cargo box to maximum.
KHI planning double deck option for load ULD container, doubling floor area in using folding deck.
And some user demand loading crane as like Il-76 or An-124, so planning crane system too.
C-2's life cycle costs is estimated 1,729.6 billion yen by Japan Ministry of Defense Equipment Procurement and Construction Office.
Estimate condition is about 40 units and about 40 years operation time, per units costs are about 43.2 billion yen.
Per units and one year costs about 1 billion yen, it's higher than A400M's target costs.
All units costs about 549.2 billion yen is 31.8% of total LCC, operation costs 976 billion yen is 56.4%.
Development costs about 345 billion yen include P-1, C-2's allocation costs are about 156.3 billion yen and 9.0% of LCC without P-1.
Include other test costs 203.8 billion yen, this is 11.8% of LCC.
Technology research costs about 0.6 billion yen are under 1% of LCC.
Non paint basic type.
For repaint and remodeling.
First prototype for flight test XC-2.
TRDI color and test sensor mount on nose.
Second prototype for flight test XC-2.
Added aerial refueling receptacle.
Production type color.
In cargo:Type96WAPC*2/LAV*2
Commercial type YCX.
under joke variation
Blue Impulse senior.
Forest camouflage color as like C-1.
In cargo:Type03SAM launcher/Type03SAM wireless transmission device.
U.S.Air Force color.
Proposal for AMC-X to opposition C-17.
In cargo:CH-47D
ECM type as like EC-1.
Aerial refueling tanker type.
In cargo:20kl fuel tank truck
But main gun fire from ass.
Ocean blue color as like US-2.
In cargo:Type91 sea mine.
YCX with PW4000.
In cargo:P-1's aft body
YCX with Trent.
In cargo:P-1's wing box*2/P-1's fin
YCX with GEnx.
In cargo:LRV SWIMO
ANA cargo color.
In cargo:GE90-115B*2
JAL cargo color.
In cargo:LD3 container*36
NCA color.
In cargo:EC225
DHL color.
In cargo:96inch pallet*8
FedEx color.
In cargo:air launch rocket
IDEMITSU aerial refueling service.
This service is not exist.
In cargo:Isuzu fuel tank truck